What is Organic Search Engine Marketing? That is the million dollar question and there are many correct answers.

Organic Search Engine Marketing can be defined as Natural or Search Engine Optimization Marketing ( aka: SEO ) and is the process of creating visibility of a website in a search engine via content and ranked by quality score. This is something unlike Sponsored Search Engine Marketing where you cannot pay for your search results and your placement on the search engines, via keyword search queries, is dependent upon content and relevancy to that specific keyword niche as well as a myriad of other factors.

The reality is there is no defined recipe for success and the algorithm the search engines use to derive results is constantly being augmented … it is much like a black box where no one has a clear idea of how it works. The process of getting Natural/Organic Search Results is also a function of time and you should be prepared to wait for several months of SEO input before you begin to see results.
One of the drawbacks is if you are doing the wrong thing in SEO, to promote your website, you will not know for several months and you will end up no where and probably frustrated. In our opinion this is the most dynamic and complex means of marketing because it takes such a long time to get results and there are no guarantees on anything … however, on the flip side this method of marketing is very inexpensive. It is more about the time you are willing to invest in keeping the content and links on your website fresh and current.
Please contact Blacks Media via eMail with any questions or concerns about SEO Marketing solutions.